Flash Animator

Paulo Cesar @L3pra

Age 34, Male

Graphic Designer


Lima - Perú

Joined on 4/30/07

Exp Points:
5,756 / 5,880
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Vote Power:
6.50 votes
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Madness Everywhere! (collab) & The madness sprite contest!

Posted by L3pra - October 10th, 2008


Myself and Ernestogod will be runnin the collab =D
Well, hi dudes. i am orginizing a killing party and i invite you to join. (my batting average is 4.22)
This is all the information about the collab:

1. Specifications

Framerate - 30 fps
Stage size - 550-400 pixels (default)
Background colour - Anything, as long as it starts and finishes with a background of white
Style: madness style, sprites.
15-30 seconds per author; 1-4 parts per author; 10 authors per part
Deadline - January 23 or when all the parts are done
Submit all files as Flash 8.

Quite-experienced madness animators only.
If you aren't experienced make a little demo of what you can do and I will decide.
You must include a signature at your part. (unless you don't want credit)
Please add your own sound effects... make them as event
Name all of your library items something unique (e.g: "yourname_handsprite")
Keep in touch with the collab

1.5 Rules
-no rules, only madness!
-real madness. use layers.
-original, ultra gore or comedy is ok.

2. Members
1 . Ernestogod ---(4 clips) ----------<<Madness Caramell" >>>
2 . L3pra -----------(4 clips)-----------<<Midnight Madness" >>>
3 . Soifran ---------(no clips yet)----<<< he is doing "Madness Mox" >>>
4 . Otaku666 ------(no clips yet)----<<Madness combat 2008.5" >>>
5 . Cooliam -------(1 clip)-------------<<< he is doing another clip >>>
6 . Gar0 ------------(no clips yet)-----<<Madness Combat 7 error" >>>
7 . VirusN---------(no clips yet)-----<<<he got an angry face keychain >>>
8 . xXxRyaoxXx - new member
9 .zackk10 - new member
10. n00bman - new member
11. leon888- new member

3. Moar info

*** Best 9 parts get coauthor, try to use original sprites or fpf.
*** We are temporaly full, so we had 5 free slot for more members.
*** If more people join, second part will be out the same day, so everybody are in.
*** If you are making your first flash movie, this is not for you, i mean, no very-crappy entries on teh collab, however you can show us what you made. We are looking for something decent.

4. News!
- The tittle of the collab is still missing! looikng for one.
- Main theme an intro are missing too. Suggstions enabled.
- All the members should comment here to confirm their space.
- To avoid using overused sprites, we decided to start a mini art contest. Artwork will be very useful.

5. Contact
My msn is L3pr@hotmail.com
Ernestogod's msn: Ernesto-korn@hotmail.com
For more info just send a private message or comment here :D.

Feel free to make a signature for a thread at forums, or whatever you do. You can copy all this in your blog if you want, no wait! you should... YOU MUST!!!

Also clic <<< here >>> to watch a nice fpf animation


This is a little contest. If you made some sprites like
- Original Sprites
- Items/guns
- Blood/ fx
- Backgrounds
Our staff may use them in the collab, you get credist in the "author comment", "the preloader" and the "credit page at the end". Just simple objects like chairs, hair, hats, machines, and posters.
Probably this will get an award xD

(*) all the objects will be put in a library and everybody will use them as original and not overused sprites, you still have your credits at the library

/* */

Madness Everywhere!  (collab) & The madness sprite contest!


Nice =D

Thanks =D

hehe... bueh me apunto... namas necesito el sprite de la pera (la que sale en hunt of shopacabra solo su cabeza) y cabezas asi de raras XP....

mmm... veremos que podemos hacer...

VIva l3pra! pence que tu madness collab se habia muerto, pero veo de que eres perseverante! sigue asi man...

xD gracias. Con un poco de suerte conseguiremos otro award para el clan latino

Mmmm no tengo nada que aser XD yo me uno solo dime que devo aser aparte del tamaño y la velocidad de la pelicula :)

Claro que puedes entrar. Bienvenido. Solo confirma que vas a empezar a hacer los clips para poner tu nombre

dame 3 dias para aser mis personajes :P solo dime cuantos clips aga :) salu2

Primero haz un clip

le entro tambien xD yo = ando asiendo una de madness aora xD pero te ayudo wey xD namas dame algunas ideas y yA xD sale wey adios ay me dises si si le puedo entrar o na xD

claro, bienvenido.

the new image of midnight madness 2 is preety awesome,

:D thanks!

altough I hate %90 of madness flashes (lack of originality), that looks decent. good luck!

:D thanks!

Genial, ya son más XD, yo ya termine un clip, pero desafortunadamente descompuse.... mas bien queme el modem, y sabras el resto, pero cuando lo arreglen te paso por el msm el clip : D

Ok, lo estare esperando.

Hare todo lo posible para entrar a esa lista =D
gua soy muy baga.... ._.

Ok! :D

wooo re loco :O


Dios que imagen tan horrible!!! el video es una porqueria!! como tus animaciones!! y el collab tambien!!!!!!!! Y ME ENCANTAN :D


hehe es broma, la imgen esta increible, el video no lo entendi T_T, envidio todas tus animaciones y el collab va a estar genial! :D

Oooo!!!!!!!! Ernestogod por fin dejo su comentario, pense que nunka pasaria...
Eres el co-organizer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bueno ps, cuando te liberes de algunos cuantos collabs, avisame para lanzar la ultima campaña del collab. Cerramos inscripciones en diciembre (antes de navidad) Y grax! xD Salu2

- Espero tus NUEVOS clips

pasaba por aqui! aver como te van las cosas... veo que tienes a mucha gente que pasa por aqui...genial!! como me gustaria que este fuera mi post!

quien fuera hacker no...? mmm ¬ .¬ ... xD

si te crearas un post veras como poco a poco viene gente.
Yay! bronze wistle!

Midnight madness was fucking epic it was very awesome but i have to admit the audio you have now looks kinda retarded... Hes too docile looking now the one you had at the end of the first one now that was fucking epic this one isn't as good really dude go back to the first one i don't see why you decided to change it to this form of the auditor

probably i should use the original form...

man puedo estar en el proyecto tengo muy buenos sprites i si se aser las animacines de madness