Well, hi dudes. i am orginizing a killing party and i invite you to join.
This is all the information about the collab:
People in: 11
Advance: 25%
Speed (fpss): 30 FPS
Size: Standar (550x400)
When it will submited: september
Duration: between 10 to 30 seconds, if you want to make more, thats ok
What to do: something nice and original or the best scenes of any great project you made.
IF YOU ARE A NOOB OR A MEDIUM AUTHOR ,THATS NO PROBLEM, here you got whatever you need:
sprite sheets, original sprites, all the sounds, improvement, etc.
>>> >>> For more info just send a private message or comment here :D. <<< <<<
woooow! tu tienes imaginacion ilimitada men...
soy curioso o solo un ignorante? madness-South Park
No entendi. Mezclar madness con south park en una animacion? Todo vale.
Bueno si ustedes (los del collab) pudieran poner esto en sus blogs mucha mas gente lo veria...