Flash Animator

Paulo Cesar @L3pra

Age 34, Male

Graphic Designer


Lima - Perú

Joined on 4/30/07

Exp Points:
5,756 / 5,880
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6.50 votes
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waves and waves of maddness guys with random guns against some other army of idk


i remembeer yes you speak apanish or im wrong well use a traductor pero quiero saber una cosa por que hay ecenarios parecidos a otra de tus animaciones y haras la segunda parte

Escenarios parecidos?... talvez sea la del madness theme o algo asi...
esque queria usarlo porque tenian imagenes interesantes y ademas yo las hice asiq que no le veo nada de malo...

Well the armies idea is great (It will need much time however).
But imagine Jebus on one side and Auditor on the other with their armies.

Ys, this would be really epic

make the guy from the first madness with the boombox come back...
i miss him...
...like make him dance in the background =)
like the good old days
btw i lovveddd your midnight madness
it was a better story line then wat krinel has

thanks! but that is not true. krinkels rules! This is just "another tribute to him".

How bout there like a massive fight of like normal madness guys in the middle, and the clown is on 1 side and auditor on the other, and they just like smash their way through the big fight, which cud look funny/good then they fight, Using the normal peoples bodys as weapons

i gonna do a madness war

u should get jebus to summon the holy hand grenade from Monty python lol. but i cant really think of anything much. but u should get jebus to summon something. and hank needs some weapons awsome weapons. but i hope its even better than the first (if thats possible). also have the sherif come back.

Yes, i gonna summon something nice, jebus is going to kill the auditor with it.

ps ya añade a sanford y deimos, solo que nose de que lado pueden estar ...
o tambien al vendedor de hot dogs como intermediario XD
y a los mags en zombie buscando vengarse de lo que les hizo hanky jesus (bueno seria meor que vayan sobre hank, puedes usar de excusa que el mag torture va a chillarles a los otros 2 mag v.2 por lo que le hizo hank XD)
pero bueh.... hay sabras : O

:S sandford y deimos van a salir, pero no van a llamar mucho la atncion

mmm... puedes entonces inventar un personaje que añadir, o como dice el primer comentario, los zombies contra los madness comunes XD... (y el pay : P)

De que pay (pye) habla todo el mundo?

-Make the clown more mad, give him an AK and stick it to the neck of someguy, then fire and a blood bath comes out.
-Make a guy with a HUGE sword that kills everything and a gigant guy like the one in MC 8.
- A pie,lol.
-An angel character with wings that kicks the clown ass with style (real style, think of something cool but unique) and help the savior so he don't die, and you can use it if you are doing a 3rd one.

Let me know what you think, the last idea is pretty cool, it would be a unique touch, you know, something only of your movie.

wings to jebus?? im going to think about that

how about you make the auditor make a building and Hank, Jesus and Tricky have to fight through

your choice though!

is exactly the same as consternation..

-an sanford and Deimos Are getting the Tac-50 put together to shoot Teh Auditor :D


a pues puedes poner que toda esa pelea es por un simple pay : P (yo mataria por uno)

no creo que sea apropiado, eso seria muy aleatorio (random)

oh crap your right! sorry!

dont worry!

Make frankenstein come

you can make the more zombies and make them help the saviour like in mc5

Yes, i will summon them



hola! ^tanto fans O_O^

O.o asi parece... create un blog! ahora puedes aparecer en frontpage!!

is the clown gunna become a zombie again? cuz at the end of midnight madness he looked normal, and does that mean that he lost all of his powers?

He revived. Now, the question is: Can he use his powers when he is normal?

What if the Auditor restored the clown's powers? cuz it looks like the auditor controls the madness world. and since hank and jebus are both after the clown, what if they breifly teamed up to try and kill him? i know it seems unlikely, but it is something to think about.

Sheriff will restore his powers O.o with his remote power